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Our rates

Our rates

Are you wondering what the rates are in the Group’s harbours and marinas? What are the different packages we offer boat owners, and what’s included? Would you like to know more about paying your fees? Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have about the ashore and afloat marinas in the Port Adhoc network in France, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Two key words for our group: quality and flexibility

Before we get into the subject of harbour fees for mooring and storing motorboats and sailing yachts, let’s take a look at our values for a moment. Do you know what’s most important to us?


The quality of infrastructure and services

It’s an essential part of our network: we offer you modern, comfortable facilities and Premium services everywhere. Our aim is to make your stay here an extremely comfortable experience, however long it lasts.

Quality also means the complete availability of our teams ashore to facilitate all your activities: our professional agents are always there to help you!

Flexibility in the formulas offered

Whether they sail a motorboat or a sailboat, cruise or go out for the day, more or less often, alone or accompanied, at sea or on a river… Every boater has specific needs.

That’s why our teams have opted for flexibility: with our full range of mooring and storage solutions and services for boaters, we aim to meet every need.

What affects our rates

To better adapt to the needs and budgets of boaters, we have designed the prices of Port Adhoc harbours and marinas according to different criteria. These include:

Our price formulas

In each of the Group’s ports, we offer a range of pricing options, including mooring and storage contracts of various durations:


Annual port rates

Boaters looking for a permanent berth for their boat will be interested in the year-round contract, or annual rates: these allow the boat to be moored or stored in a secure environment, offer unlimited access to port facilities, and preferential rates on ancillary services.


Seasonal rates

Owners who wish to sail mainly in the high season, for example in spring or summer, should look at the seasonal contract. These rates give access to port facilities and services for only part of the year, over a medium period.


Rates for temporary mooring or storage

For a one-off need, lasting a few days or a few weeks, the contracts for short-term mooring or storage are the most suitable. Boaters can take advantage of the port or marina of their choice for a stopover, or just to carry out some work.

All Port Adhoc rates

Below you will find the rates for mooring and boat storage in all our ports and marinas:

Why choose Port Adhoc?

Managing a network of 14 marinas throughout Europe, Port Adhoc offers a wide range of advantages to boaters:

Rates, contracts, payment methods... The questions you often ask us

How can I get a personalised quote?

To get a quote for an ashore or afloat berth, simply fill in our online form or contact the relevant port team directly. To do so, visit the dedicated page!

Our team will be happy to send you a quote tailored to your project as soon as possible.

How do I pay for my mooring or storage contract?

The method of invoicing – at the beginning or end of the month – varies from marina to marina. Once they have received their invoice, users of Port Adhoc facilities are required to pay the amount requested within the time limits in force, depending on the geographical area concerned: France, Sweden or the Netherlands.

➡️ If necessary, please refer to the mooring or storage contract you have signed, to which the General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS) have been appended.

Concerning the rate of payment for our berths:

  • Boaters in the group’s various ports are invited to pay for their short-term contracts in a single instalment.
  • For longer contracts, payment can be made in two ways: with an annual invoice, or by monthly instalments.

💡 Good to know:

In Port Adhoc marinas equipped with YouNav digital solutions, owners can pay their invoices online, by credit card, via a secure link. Boaters don’t have to go to the harbour master, so payment is easy!

What methods of payment are accepted?

In Port Adhoc marinas throughout Europe, boaters are asked to pay by credit cardbank transfer or direct debit. Bank cheques are not accepted.

There are two options for a long-term mooring or storage contract:

  • If the owner opts for monthly billing, monthly installments are debited from the dedicated account.
  • If they opt for annual billing, they can choose to pay by credit card or bank transfer on receipt of the invoice.

➡️ For more information, please contact the relevant marina team.

Looking for a berth?

At Port Adhoc, our priority is transparency and customer satisfaction. Whether you’re an experienced boater or just starting out, whether you want to sail occasionally or very frequently, we’re sure to have the personalised formula you’re looking for!

Jachthaven Bruinisse