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Recreational boating

Sailing routes in Sweden, starting from Svinninge marina

In Sweden, the Svinninge marina offers boaters premium mooring and storage spaces. In the heart of the Stockholm archipelago, the marina’s afloat and ashore berths are perfect for exploring the surrounding area: from the harbour, sailors can follow a variety of navigation routes.

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Éric Maerten plaisancier de Port Adhoc Paimpol
Marina news

Dry boat storage: he chose Port Adhoc Paimpol

Éric Maerten owns a 6-meter-long Obe & Carmen equipped with a 100-hp Yamaha engine. At the time of his purchase, in 2019, he chose Port Adhoc Paimpol to store his boat. In this article, he looks back at his story, the reasons for his choice, and his experience in our marina.

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Technique and tips

Wintering a boat in Sweden: our guide

On the Baltic Sea, Sweden is an ideal destination for wintering a boat: sailboats and motorboats can spend several months here in excellent conditions, just a stone’s throw from a fantastic sailing area. In some Swedish marinas, boaters will find the perfect solution for wintering in Sweden, either afloat or dry.

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Recreational boating

The start of the Vendée Globe 2024 is just around the corner!

In just a few days’ time, the start of the tenth Vendée Globe will take place: a single-handed, non-stop, non-assisted ocean race around the world. Every four years, this legendary event attracts thousands of sailors, boaters and spectators, who come to watch the boats and their skippers cross the starting line.

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Marina news

Interview with Johan Svensson, director of Svinninge Marina

The Svinninge Marina is now part of the large network of European ports and marinas managed by the Port Adhoc group! In this new article, we’d like to introduce you to Johan Svensson, the Swedish marina manager and a new member of our team. We went to find Johan Svensson in Sweden, at Svinninge Marina, at the end of summer 2024. He was kind enough to answer several questions to satisfy the curiosity of our network’s boaters…

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Technique and tips

Steps for winterizing your boat on dry land

Do you own a motorboat or sailboat, and are thinking of putting it ashore for the winter months? It’s a great idea! Winterizing a boat on dry land allows you to preserve it in the best possible conditions until the next season. In this article, the Port Adhoc team gives you some advice on how to prepare your boat for dry wintering.

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Marina news

New pontoons at Lelystad Haven

The Port Adhoc teams are involved on a daily basis to ensure that users can enjoy the Group’s ports. Did you know that they have carried out renovation work at the Lelystad Haven marina in the Netherlands? Camiel and Marcel, the co-directors of Lelystad Haven, tell us about the harbor improvements.

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Group news

Smart terminals in Port Adhoc marinas

For several months now, the Port Adhoc group has been carrying out various renovation projects in the network’s ports. These include the fitting out of pontoons with new “intelligent” water and electricity terminals, which will once again see our ports and marinas evolve. The aim is to modernize our infrastructure and equipment, and further enhance the experience of our boaters.

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Technique and tips

Regulations in our marinas

In each marina and dry port in the Port Adhoc network, a document provides boaters with all the information they need on the subject of regulations. It sets out the rules and regulations to be respected, as well as good behavior to be adopted in the harbour areas, so that everyone can enjoy them.

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