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Marina news

Marina news

Port Napoléon: an eco-friendly marina

Port Napoléon in Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône is a committed marina. The teams at the ashore and afloat marina have put in place a number of sustainable initiatives, with the aim of reducing the ecological impact of the marina and preserving the environment.
Port Napoléon is constantly evolving – through actions, works and investments – to position itself as an environmentally-friendly marina in the Mediterranean.

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Marina news

Q&A about our Mediterranean dry port

Why is Port Napoléon one of the best dry ports in the Mediterranean? What boats can it accommodate, when and for how long? How much does it cost, and what services does it offer? Find the answers to all your questions about our Mediterranean dry port in this article!

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Cocons de protection - Port Adhoc Leucate
Marina news

Biodegradable boat protection cocoons in Port Leucate

The protective cocoon is a practical solution for protecting a dry boat for several weeks or months. But once the boat is in the water, the PVC protection is not reusable and becomes waste. To remedy this, the Port Adhoc teams at Port Leucate have chosen to innovate with biodegradable boat protection cocoons.

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Éric Maerten plaisancier de Port Adhoc Paimpol
Marina news

Dry boat storage: he chose Port Adhoc Paimpol

Éric Maerten owns a 6-meter-long Obe & Carmen equipped with a 100-hp Yamaha engine. At the time of his purchase, in 2019, he chose Port Adhoc Paimpol to store his boat. In this article, he looks back at his story, the reasons for his choice, and his experience in our marina.

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Marina news

Interview with Johan Svensson, director of Svinninge Marina

The Svinninge Marina is now part of the large network of European ports and marinas managed by the Port Adhoc group! In this new article, we’d like to introduce you to Johan Svensson, the Swedish marina manager and a new member of our team. We went to find Johan Svensson in Sweden, at Svinninge Marina, at the end of summer 2024. He was kind enough to answer several questions to satisfy the curiosity of our network’s boaters…

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Marina news

New pontoons at Lelystad Haven

The Port Adhoc teams are involved on a daily basis to ensure that users can enjoy the Group’s ports. Did you know that they have carried out renovation work at the Lelystad Haven marina in the Netherlands? Camiel and Marcel, the co-directors of Lelystad Haven, tell us about the harbor improvements.

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Marina news

A major operation at Port Médoc: dredging

Every year, work is carried out at Le Verdon-sur-Mer to de-silt the Port Médoc marina. The aim of this operation is to maintain the water level required for the passage of boats, so that yachtsmen can make optimum use of the port. In this article, marina manager Antoine Poinsot talks about the work carried out by the Port Adhoc team.

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